Writing a real estate press release

Are you looking to write a press release for your real estate business? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Writing a real estate press release can be complex and intimidating, but with careful planning and research, it doesn’t need to be. Here we will outline what you need to know when it comes to writing an effective real estate press release. We believe that with guidance and knowing how to write for US real estate editors, your carefully crafted communication will ensure that it is read by the right people. Utilizing a Real Estate Blog Content Writer adds a value-added service to the final product, making sure more potential purchasers are aware of your brand. Join us today as we discuss best practices for writing an effective Real Estate Press Release!

What Is a Press Release and Why Do You Need One for Your Real Estate Business?

Writing a real estate press release can be a great way to advertise an upcoming event, highlight a unique piece of property, or announce newsworthy information. This type of press release typically includes essential information related to the real estates industry, such as property addresses and listing details. It’s also important to make sure that the press release is written with clarity, brevity, and relevance in mind—this will help ensure that readers are engaged even after just a few sentences.

Writing an effective real estate press release requires researching the target audience and understanding what residents in your area may be interested in reading. With the right approach, press releases can become invaluable public relations tools for real estate professionals.

Investing in real estate requires a personalized approach to marketing, which is why press releases are an essential tool for companies in this industry. Press releases allow you to share your expertise, promote major milestones or developments in your business, and inform the public of events or launches. They also help to create a recognizable brand name and boost credibility within your sector.

By including powerful messages and using the right keywords, press releases can potentially increase visibility and capture attention from the right audiences while leveraging search engine optimization to maximize their reach. Ultimately, a well-crafted press release allows you to draw attention to your company and its accomplishments while establishing yourself as a reliable source of information to potential customers.

How to Write a Real Estate Press Release?

Real estate content writer Writing a Real Estate Press Release

Writing a real estate press release is a great way to get your name and your business out into the public sphere. It can be used to announce new developments, launches, or other newsworthy events. Whether you are new to real estate or have been in the industry for decades, writing press releases can help increase visibility and attract more potential clients. Here is a five-step guide on how to write a successful real estate press release.

Step 1: Develop Your Story

The first step in writing a real estate press release is developing your story. You need to figure out what makes your story unique and newsworthy. Is it about a new development? Are you launching something special? Have you recently achieved an award or milestone? Think of ways that make your story stand out from the crowd and appeal to readers’ interests.

Step 2: Create an Attention-Grabbing Headline

Once you have developed your story, it’s time to create an attention-grabbing headline. This should be short, simple, and concise while still conveying the message of why readers should care about this topic. Your headline should include relevant keywords so that it will show up in search engine results as well as draw people in with its compelling content.

Step 3: Write the Body

Your body copy should include all the necessary information about your story in an easy-to-read format. Include important facts such as dates, times, locations, etc., along with quotes from relevant sources if necessary. Stick to the facts rather than offering opinions or statements; this will help maintain credibility with your readership. Remember to keep it brief – no longer than one page – as most publications won’t accept any longer pieces than that!

Step 4: Add Photos/Visuals

Adding photos or visuals can help bring your press release alive for readers and make it more visually appealing for publications who may be considering featuring it on their website or print magazine. Make sure these images are high quality and appropriate for the topic at hand – blurry photos taken on a cell phone will not cut it! Also, include captions with each photo that explain what is being depicted; this will give context to those viewing them without having to read through long paragraphs of text.

Step 5: Proofread & Edit

Once you have written out your press release, proofread it thoroughly before submitting it anywhere! This includes checking grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence structure as well as making sure all facts are accurate and up-to-date so there are no mistakes when someone reads over it later on down the road. It’s also important to edit for clarity; take out any unnecessary words or phrases that don’t add any value to the overall piece because they could potentially confuse readers or distract from its main idea(s).

Writing a real estate press release is essential for getting noticed by potential clients and increased visibility within the industry. Following these five steps can help ensure success when crafting one of these documents – develop an attention-grabbing headline, write an informative body copy including visuals if possible, proofread & edit before submitting anywhere! However, remember that although following these steps helps create good content, nothing beats practice and experience when it comes down to creating perfecting real estate press releases every time!

Read More: How to Write a Real Estate Blog?

The Dos and Don’ts of Writing a Real Estate Press Release

western real estate business, 
southeast real estate business


  1. Research your audience – Before you start writing, make sure you understand who you are targeting and what they are looking for in a press release. Consider demographics such as age, income level, and interests when crafting your message.
  2. Include information that is relevant to the local market – Real estate is heavily influenced by the local market, so include data on current trends or statistics to make your press release more helpful and appealing.
  3. Stick with the facts – When writing a real estate press release, it is important to focus on factual information rather than opinions or speculation.
  4. Use keywords and phrases strategically – Keywords help search engines find your press release, so be sure to include relevant search terms that people may use when looking for real estate information.
  5. Keep it short and sweet – Real estate press releases should not be too long or too detailed. Stick to the important facts and keep them concise.


  1. Forget a call-to-action – Make sure to include an actionable line or sentence at the end of your press release that encourages readers to take further action.
  2. Overuse jargon and technical terms – Even though you are talking about real estate, it is important not to use too many industry-specific words that may confuse non-experts.
  3. Rely on stock photos – When possible, include real pictures of the property or people involved to give your release more authenticity and appeal.
  4. Make it too promotional – While press releases should be used to generate interest in a product or service, they should not be overly promotional or sales-y.
  5. Forget to proofread – Make sure to double-check your press release for any spelling or grammar errors before sending it out. A well-written and error-free press release shows that you are serious and professional.

These are just a few of the Dos and Don’ts to consider when writing a real estate press release. Following these simple guidelines can help ensure that your message reaches the right people and gets the attention it deserves.

How Do You Distribute Your Press Release to Reach the Widest Possible Audience?

A press release can be an important part of your marketing campaign, but the key is getting it out to the right people. Knowing how to distribute a press release effectively can make all the difference in getting your message across to the widest possible audience. Here are five tips to help you get the most from your press release distribution.

1. Know Your Audience

Before you start writing a press release, make sure that you know who you are targeting and why. Knowing this will help you craft more effective messaging and tailor it for different outlets. It is also important to understand which outlets are best suited for your particular message and how they can help spread it further. This includes understanding which publications may be more likely to pick up your story, as well as any potential trade publications or media channels that may be more interested in covering certain topics than others.

2. Utilize Social Media

Social media is a great way to get your press release noticed by a wider audience, as well as build relationships with influencers and industry leaders who may be able to help spread the word even further. Consider utilizing Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or other popular platforms such as Reddit or Quora to boost visibility and reach even more people.

3. Find Relevant Journalists & Bloggers

Finding relevant journalists and bloggers can help you maximize the reach of your press release since they already have established audiences that follow their work closely. Utilizing services such as Help A Reporter Out (HARO) can make finding relevant journalists easy, while tools like Buzzsumo allow you to find relevant bloggers quickly and efficiently.

4. Make Sure You Have Multiple Outlets

Having multiple outlets for distributing your content helps ensure that your message reaches the widest possible audience. Consider using a combination of online sources such as websites, blogs, forums, etc., along with traditional methods such as newspapers, magazines, and radio/TV broadcasts when looking for places to distribute your content. Additionally, reaching out directly via email or phone call can also be an effective way of getting coverage from specific publications or outlets whose readership aligns with yours.

5. Monitor Your Results

Once you have successfully distributed your press release it’s essential to monitor its performance so that you can assess what works best moving forward. Track both traditional metrics such as page views or number of downloads along with social media engagement data such as likes/shares/retweets on various platforms to get a better understanding of what resonates most with readers and followers alike.

Press releases are an essential part of any marketing campaign but distributing them effectively is key if you want them to reach their intended audience and have maximum impact on their target market. By following these five tips on how to distribute a press release effectively, you’ll be sure that your message reaches the widest possible audience and has the greatest chance of success!

Tips for Creating a Successful Real Estate Press Release

As a real estate business owner, you know how important it is to get the word out about your services. One of the best ways to do that is through press releases, which can help boost traffic to your website and attract new customers. But writing an effective press release isn’t always easy. Here are seven tips for making sure your press release makes an impact.

1. Use a Professional Tone

Your press release should be written as if it’s coming from a professional news outlet or publication, so be sure to use language that conveys authority and expertise. Avoid using slang or personal opinions, and stick with facts and figures instead.

2. Include Relevant Facts and Statistics

Make sure the information you include in the press release is relevant to your services and provides value to those who read it. If you don’t have any facts or statistics on hand, consider doing some research into the local real estate market or customer trends before you write your press release.

3. Use Keywords Strategically

Many people will find your press release through search engines like Google, so make sure to include keywords related to your industry in the copy of your escape (but don’t go overboard—you want it to sound natural). This will help increase visibility for potential customers who may not have heard of you before!

4. Get Creative with Titles

The title of your press release should grab readers’ attention and make them want to click through and read more about what you have to offer. Be creative when crafting titles but avoid being too gimmicky—you don’t want readers thinking that it’s just clickbait!

5. Keep It Short & Sweet

When writing a press release, keep it concise—no one wants to read something that goes on forever! Try to limit each section of the press release to one paragraph; this will make it easier for readers to scan without getting bogged down by too much detail at once.

6. Include Contact Information

Those who read your press release must know how they can reach you if they’re interested in learning more about what you have to offer or hiring you for a project. Be sure to include contact information such as email addresses, phone numbers, social media handles, etc., so potential customers can easily get in touch with you!

7. Proofread & Edit Carefully

Last but not least, proofread every inch of your press release before sending it out! Even small typos can give off an unprofessional vibe and could make potential customers think twice about working with you or buying from you—so take extra time while editing/revising until everything looks perfect!

Writing a successful real estate press release doesn’t have to be difficult; with these seven tips in mind, anyone can craft an engaging piece of content that will capture readers’ attention and draw them into learning more about what their business has to offer! Remember: keep it short & sweet, use keywords strategically, get creative with titles, include relevant facts & statistics, use a professional tone throughout, provide contact info clearly & finally proofread/edit carefully before publishing anything!

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking to get more exposure for your real estate business, a press release is a great way to do it. But before you start writing, it’s important to understand what a press release is, why you need one, and how to write an effective one. Once you’ve written your press release, following the tips in this post will help ensure that it reaches the widest possible audience. And if you need help getting started or don’t have time to write your press release, contact SEO Typist today. Our team of experienced writers can create a custom press release for your business that gets results.

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